Windows Setup INFormation | 1993-04-22 | 29KB | 808 lines
; quark.inf - Installer customizing file.
; Copyright (c) 1992, Quark, Inc.
; All Rights Reserved
; About This File
; ===============
; The information in this file determines
; * All dialog strings.
; * The names of the disks and directories from which, and to which, Install
; copies files
; * The name of the group that Install creates in Program Manager's window, and the
; names of program items that Install adds to that group
; You can create your own Install program by changing some of the information
; in this file.
; The Parts of INSTALL.INF
; -------------------------
; INSTALL.INF is similar in format to a Windows initialization (.INI) file.
; Sections: INSTALL.INF is divided into sections. Each section is identified
; by an alphanumeric name enclosed in square brackets.
; Most section names are "hard-coded": Install is written to search for
; in INSTALL.INF for that specific section name. However, some section
; names are defined within other sections, and are therefore easily
; customizable.
; Comments: A comment begins with a semicolon. You can include a comment
; on the same line as syntax, as long as it comes after the syntax.
; Spaces: Spaces are ignored, except when between double quotes.
; Blank lines are also ignored.
; Special
; Chars: The ampersand (&) is a special character to Windows. In
; those strings that appear in dialog boxes, the ampersand
; transformed into an accelerator (an underscore below the
; following character).
; Special non-"non printable" characters (e.g.: return, formfeed, (r),
; etc.) can be obtained by using C-style escapes (i.e.:
; \n, \f, \256 (octal) [or \xAE (hex)] for the previous examples).
; NOTE: All text *must* be entered on a single line. You can
; format the text into multiple lines by inserting '\n' wherever
; you want a line to break, but text strings in this file must typed
; as one entire line.
;** Please do NOT localize any strings that are not inside double quotes (") **
; Sections in This File
; ---------------------
; The rest of this file contains the actual sections and statements
; that make up the working file. It also includes comments that
; explain each section and statement.
; patch lvl, stage, minor rev, prodid/major rev
; ie - 0x00801133 is windows 3.11r0
instver = 0x00801233
; <major rev>.<minor rev>.<minor rev><stage>
regver = "3.1.2d"
; major rev, minor rev, stage, 0x00
prodver = 0x03128000
prodid = 3
; The [data] section includes misc. information about the
; location application.
name = "QuarkXPress para Windows"
;do not localize
regfile = xpress.reg
Negro = 0x00000000
Rojo = 0x000000FF
Verde = 0x0000FF00
Azul = 0x00FF0000
Cian = 0x00FFFF00
Magenta = 0x00FF00FF
Amarillo = 0x0000FFFF
Blanco = 0x00FFFFFF
changed = "Si cambia esta ruta de acceso, tendrß que importar de nuevo para los documentos de QuarkXPress afectados todas las imßgenes asociadas. ┐Desea hacer esto?"
complete = "Instalaci≤n completada."
badserialnum = "Este disco de actualizaci≤n no corresponde a la copia de QuarkXPress especificada."
fail = "El programa no ha sido actualizado."
succ = "El programa ha sido actualizado satisfactoriamente."
; The [dialog] section contains information pertaining to Install's dialog box.
; The Caption statement determines the text that appears in the title bar
; of Install's dialog box.
; The following Caption statement specifies the caption "Demo App Installation".
; To specify your own caption, replace the text "Demo App Installation" with the
; title you want (enclosed in double quotes).
caption = "Instalador de QuarkXPress para Windows"
continue = "&Continuar"
next = "&Siguiente"
abortinstall = "Cancelar ins&talaci≤n"
ok = "OK"
cancel = "Cancelar"
install = "&Instalar"
abortreg = "&Cancelar instalaci≤n"
quit = "Sa&lir"
caption = "Actualizador de QuarkXPress para Windows"
caption = "Versi≤n de demostraci≤n de QuarkXPress para el Instalador de Windows"
abortinstall = "&Cancelar la instalaci≤n"
ok = "OK"
cancel = "Cancelar"
install = "&Instalar"
color = "Combinaci≤n de co&lores preferida:"
para1 = "Bienvenido al programa Instalador de QuarkXPress para Windows y al programa de Registro. Este programa instalarß QuarkXpress y crearß su fichero de registro del usuario."
para2 = "A fin de gozar de los beneficios asociados al registro, es preciso que lleve a cabo el procedimiento de registro, firme el Acuerdo de Licencia que se halla en el sobre del disquete y lo devuelva junto con el disquete de registro ya completado."
para3 = "El programa Instalador utiliza campos asociados a listas desplegables. Al hacer "clic" sobre las flechas aparece una lista con posibles entradas para el campo, como se ve en el siguiente ejemplo."
copyright = "\251 1989-1992 Quark, Inc.\nReservados todos los derechos\nU.S. Patent Pending, Quark, Inc."
;For list comboboxes (those beginning with [combo*]): If no number is given,
;the first entry becomes the default (selected). The combo box is not sorted,
;so the entries will appear as you list them.
caption = "Registro del producto"
title = "Por favor, introduzca la informaci≤n de registro."
serialnum = "&N·mero de serie:"
phone = "Prefijo/&TelΘfono:"
contact = "&Contacto:"
lname = "&Apellido"
fname = "&Nombre"
mi = "M.I."
companyname = "&Empresa:"
companyaddr = "&Direcci≤n:"
city = "C&iudad:"
state = "&State/Province:"
zip = "&ZIP/Postal Code:"
country = "&Paφs:"
purdate = "&Fecha de compra :"
dealername = "Nom&bre del comerciante de QuarkXPress:"
dealercity = "&Dealer\x92s City and State/Province:"
country = "&Paφs:"
lname = "&Apellido:"
fname = "&Nombre:"
addr = "&Direcci≤n postal:"
phone = "&TelΘfono:"
fax = "Fa&x:"
alloneline = "(No escriba toda la direcci≤n en una sola lφnea)"
dealercity = "Di&recci≤n del comerciante:"
"┴frica del Sur"
"Hong Kong"
"Nueva Zelanda"
"Reino Unido"
"Rep·blicß Checa"
caption = "Informaci≤n del sistema"
title = "Esta informaci≤n ayudarß a nuestro Soporte TΘcnico a atenderle."
numpcs = "N·mero &aproximado de PC en su oficina:"
printers = "Impresoras &PostScript: (seleccione todas las que correspondan)"
scanner = "&Escßner:"
otherprinters = "&Otras impresoras:"
nettype = "&Tipo de red:"
netsoftware = "Software de &red:"
otherapps = "┐QuΘ otras &aplicaciones PC utiliza?"
"Apple Computer"
"Texas Instruments"
"New Image Tech"
"Token Ring"
"Novell NetWare"
"Banyan Vines"
"LAN Manager"
caption = "Encuesta de informaci≤n de usuarios"
title = "Esta informaci≤n nos ayudarß a atenderle de modo mßs eficaz."
learn = "┐C≤mo &lleg≤ a conocer QuarkXPress?"
business = "┐Cußl es s&u principal actividad empresarial?"
create = "┐QuΘ &publicaciones crea con QuarkXPress? (seleccione todos los que correspondan)"
othercreate = "&Otras:"
publications = "┐QuΘ publi&caciones profesionales lee? (seleccione todas las que correspondan)"
otherpublications = "&Otras:"
comments = "Co&mentarios:"
"Computer World"
"Otro usuario"
"PC Actual"
"PC Magazine"
"PC Week"
"PC World"
"Taller de fotocomposici≤n"
"Editor de peri≤dicos"
"Editorial de libros"
"Editorial de catßlogos"
"Editorial de revistas"
"Agencia de publicidad"
"Artes grßficas"
"Taller de fotocomposici≤n"
"Relacionado con la informßtica"
"Computer World"
"PC Actual"
"PC Magazine"
"PC Week"
"PC World"
caption = "Registro de QuarkXPress para Windows"
para1 = "Haga 'clic' sobre OK para instalar QuarkXPress y crear su fichero de registro del usuario. Haga 'clic' sobre el bot≤n apropiado si quiere revisar o modificar la informaci≤n previamente introducida."
prodreg = "Registro del producto"
sysinfo = "Informaci≤n del sistema"
userinfo = "Encuesta de usuarios"
para1 = "Gracias por utilizar el registro electr≤nico de Quark. Por favor, utilice el sobre adjunto para enviarnos el Disco Registro del Usuario, y la Licencia de Software y el Acuerdo de Garantφa Limitada firmados. Aseg·rese de incluir su nombre y n·mero de telΘfono en la etiqueta del disco."
para2 = "A fin de gozar de los beneficios de la garantφa limitada de 90 dφas y del plan de servicio de 90 dφas, asφ como de satisfacer los requisitos para las ofertas futuras de nuevas versiones, deberß devolvernos el Disco Registro del Usuario, y la Licencia de Software y el Acuerdo de Garantφa Limitada firmados."
; *** Start of actual installation ***
para = "Para empezar la instalaci≤n de QuarkXPress y copiar los ficheros auxiliares, haga clic sobre OK. Se le pedirß especificar una unidad y un directorio para la aplicaci≤n QuarkXPress y los ficheros auxiliares."
para = "Para empezar la instalaci≤n de la versi≤n de demostraci≤n de QuarkXPress y copiar los ficheros auxiliares, haga clic sobre OK. Se le pedirß especificar una unidad y un directorio para la aplicaci≤n QuarkXPress y los ficheros auxiliares."
para = "Por favor, introduzca el directorio en el cual desea instalar QuarkXPress."
customize = "&Personalizar..."
para = "Introduzca el directorio donde desea instalar la versi≤n de demostraci≤n de QuarkXPress."
updatebut = "&Update"
para = "Introduzca el nombre del directorio donde reside QuarkXPress."
para = "Introduzca el nombre del directorio donde reside QuarkXPress."
caption = "Seleccionar los elementos a instalar"
section = "&Elementos:"
path = "&Ruta de acceso:"
install = "&Instalar elemento resaltado"
update = "&Actualizar elemento resaltado"
delete = "S&uprimir elemento resaltado (í!)"
reinstall = "&Reinstalar elemento resaltado"
disabled_subsection = "Sin detalles"
view_subsection = "Ver &detalles"
hide_subsection = "Esconder &detalles"
browse = "E&xaminar..."
totals = "Totales:"
caption = "Seleccionar directorio"
directories = "&Directorios:"
drives = "&Unidades:"
caption = "Error de fichero"
exit = "Salir"
caption = "Error de fichero"
exit = "Salir"
para = "Por favor, inserte el disco:"
para = "Por favor, inserte el disco:"
text = "Pulse F3 para cancelar la instalaci≤n."
text = "Pulse F3 para cancelar la instalaci≤n."
; The [disks] section defines the distribution disks that contain the application
; files. Install uses this information to tell the user to insert the correct disk.
; Elsewhere within this .INF file, the distribution disks are normally referred to
; by a single-character disk ID. This section defines those disk IDs, and includes
; information about the disk to which each disk ID refers.
; The disk ID '0' is reserved; it represents the system directory.
; The format of each disk definition is:
; n = path, title
; where
; n is the disk ID (a single character from 1-9 or A-Z).
; path the path of the source directory from which Install should copy
; the files to the disk. The path can be relative to the
; source directory (see examples below).
; title is a descriptive name for the disk. The title should match
; the disk's printed or written label exactly.
; The following disk-definition statements define two distribution disks.
1 =., "QuarkXPress para Windows Disquete 1"
2 =., "QuarkXPress para Windows Disquete 2"
3 =., "QuarkXPress para Windows Disquete 3"
4 =.\tutorial, "QuarkXPress para Windows Disquete 4"
5 =.\ejemplos, "QuarkXPress para Windows Disquete 5"
6 =., "Disco Registro del Usuario"
0 =., "Directorio de Windows"
x =c:\, "Directorio raφz"
y =., "Directorio temporal"
z =., "Directorio de instalaci≤n"
; The first statement tells Install to refer to Disk 1.
; Because the period (.) denotes the current directory, the files
; on that disk will be copied from the root directory of the
; distribution disk.
; You can include as many disk-definition statements as necessary. Every
; distribution disk should have a corresponding disk-definition statement;
; otherwise, Install cannot tell the user to insert the appropriate disk.
; The following [app.copy.appstuff] section contains section-definition
; statements. Each statement defines a section that lists application files
; to be copied as part of installation. The sections are organized by file
; destination; you should define a separate section for each destination